Endowment Fund

Help us build the Barn Endowment Fund!

During an annual barn conference member meeting, we talked about establishing an endowment fund to raise money for the purpose of supporting our barn programs. We discussed using our own money to finance these projects, in part because of a lack of funding available from state and national government initiatives.

At that particular annual meeting the membership agreed to set aside $5,000.00 from the Friends' bank account and dedicate that amount toward building the Friends of Ohio Barns Endowment Fund. We just needed to raise a total of $10,000.00 to establish this fund with Communities Inc. (part of the Columbus Foundation).

Thanks to you, we have met our goal to establish the Ohio Barns Endowment Fund!

Now that it is established they will manage that initial investment and future donations while allowing us to withdraw funds for our various projects as needed.

Now that our fund is listed with the Columbus Foundation donations can also be made directly through their website which will help us create a greater awareness of our efforts and grow the return on the investment.

Of course, Friends of Ohio Barns will gladly accept any donation to the fund. If you would prefer to make a donation manually, simply write a check to the Friends of Ohio Barns & add 'Build a Barn Endowment Fund' to the memo line.

Mail to: Friends of OH Barns, P.O. Box 203 Burbank, Ohio 44214.

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